Dear Dr. Piazza:
We have received notification of your contribution. Thank you so much
for your support of the work of Youth Leaders for the Future / A Legacy
We would like to share with you some of our exciting youth work. Each
summer, Legacy International creates the Global Youth Village (GYV) for
young people ages 14 - 18. Now in its twenty-fifth year, the Global Youth
Village has over 2000 alumni from more than 90 different countries. Our
ability to offer young people from all economic, cultural, and ethnic
backgrounds this very special opportunity depends upon the generosity
of people like yourself.
At the GYV,
the young people receive training in conflict resolution & dialogue,
global issues, leadership, ecology & environment, and performing
arts for social change. They become stronger, more confident global citizens,
gaining an understanding of the legacy they have inherited as well as
a sense of responsibility toward the legacy they leave behind. Upon their
return home, these youths are often inspired to apply new skills and
approaches to their own school and community situations. Neighborhood
initiatives frequently develop from seeds planted during the program.
current U.S. based citizen exchange projects include leadership training
civic education for youths from Bosnia-Herzegovina
and Indonesia. Other overseas projects include piloting a tolerance training
program for youths in Perm, Russia, and the same proposed for Kyrgyzstan.
Please visit our websites at www.legacyintl.org and www.globalyouthvillage.org
for additional information on our programs and activities.
If you plan
to be in the southern Virginia area next summer, we would love to meet
you in person. Whether nearby during the program or at other
times, please do not hesitate to call. Your donation is tax deductible.
Our tax identification number is 51-024070. Once again, thank you for
your interest and generosity.
Yours sincerely,
Marlene Ginsberg