Dear Dr. Piazza:
Joint Council on International Children’s Services (JCICS)
would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous
contribution to our organization. JCICS is the oldest
and largest membership association focused specifically on intercountry
adoption. We are dedicated to advocating on behalf of children
in need of permanent families and promoting ethical practices in
intercountry adoption. Our membership includes non-profit international
adoption agencies, medical clinics, parent support groups and advocacy
organizations. As the spheres of intercountry adoption and international
relations become more complex, there is an increased need for a
united voiced in the international adoption community.
JCICS provides up-to-date information on specific countries developments
and adoption legislation. Our annual Medical Institute and Conference
in Washington, DC provides an opportunity for adoption professionals
to discuss current events within international adoption and better
ways of serving children and families. In addition, JCICS often
assists individual parents who are starting their journey with
intercountry adoption or who are experiencing difficulties with
their particular case. Donations such as yours help our organization
continue to liaison with government officials, network with congressional
offices concerning adoption legislation and ultimately promote
intercountry adoption as a viable option for children in need of
a permanent home.
Thank you again for your kind donation.
Antonia F. Edwardson
Executive Director
