Dear Dr. Piazza:
Thank you for your generous help to homeless children. Because
of support like yours, Holt served thousands of children in 2003,
and 1,084 of those children now have permanent, adoptive families
in the United States. What an incredible change for each child
and family.
Unfortunately, for tens of thousands more children around the
world, their lives did not change. That is why your gift this month
is so important. Because while Holt is celebrating with those children
who now have families, we continue to see the despair of homeless
children every day. Your gift will help ensure that many of these
children will receive the help they need in 2004.
Would you consider helping the children in one more way? Holt
International is now looking for more families to adopt children
from China. Perhaps you have friends or loved ones that may be
interested. Thank you again for you’re your gift and for
the difference a child will experience this year because of you.
For the children,
R. David Cousineau
President & CEO