Dr. Piazza:
accept the sincere thanks of the entire National
Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy family for your
recent gift. Your vote of confidence in us is much
appreciated, and I hope you feel proud of your contribution
to the stunning progress we are all making together
on a very tough issue. Again this past year, rates
of teen pregnancy are down in every state and every
age and racial/ethnic group.
2004, the Campaign will focus intensely on what parents
can do to help their children avoid teen pregnancy.
We will again hold our online National Day to Prevent
Teen Pregnancy, hoping this year to reach over 400,000
teens directly, and we will continue to work with
state and local groups, the entertainment media,
researches, and more. We are even beginning to plan
a series of events to mark our 10th anniversary in
hope you will stay in touch with me and with the
Campaign in the year ahead. I particularly welcome
your thoughts about what the Campaign might do to
be even more effective.
thanks again for all that you are doing to help.
much appreciation,
S. Brown