We gratefully acknowledge receipt of your donation listed below
contributed through Independent Charities of America to MENTOR /
National Mentoring Partnership. Your gift will help in so many ways.
You will help MENTOR connect young people with caring adults in communities
and states across the country, to educate the public about opportunities
for mentoring, to train leaders and volunteers. Your donation will
help some young person who never believed, to understand that there
is hope and that dreams can come true.
The National Mentoring Partnership is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
No goods or services were provided in exchange for this gift. Your
contribution is fully tax-deductible under applicable laws. Please
retain this letter for your records. It is your receipt.
If you have any questions about your contribution or gift records,
please contact Judy Hill at 703-224-2268.
Thank you for your generous support and commitment to youth and
The National Mentoring Partnership.
Judy Hill
Project Coordinator
Resource Development
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