Dear Dr. Piazza:
I want to take this moment to let you know how very much we appreciate
your generous help in making dreams come true. We’ve received your
kind donation.
In the 9 years of our existence as a dream granting agency working
with terminally ill adults we have granted thousands of final requests.
All have been heart-touching and most have involved entire families
facing the loss of a loved one. I wish I could share with you all
their letters telling us what a final wish meant to them.
Instead, I am enclosing a copy of just one of our “dreamers” letters
and my personal gratitude and that of the staff of the Dream Foundation
- for your contribution and for your caring enough to take the
time to make that contribution.
Our dreamers and their stories impel us to make dreams come true
- our supporters provide the very substance of dreams.
Thank you from the hearts of all of us at the Dream Foundation.
From the Heart,
Thomas W. Rollerson
Founder/ President
would like to thank all of the sponsors who have made this trip
possible. This is a once in a lifetime chance for our dream. Without
all of you it would not be possible.
You are enabling me to give my children a lasting memory of my
precious time left on this earth. It has been such a tough year
for all of us. This will give us a chance to forget our troubles,
at least for a short time.
Thank you all again. Words cannot express my sincere appreciation.