Dear Dr. Piazza:
On behalf of the Board of Directors of D.A.R.E. America,
the dedicated D.A.R.E. instructors, and the millions of children
that benefit from the D.A.R.E. program each year, I want
to thank you for your recent contribution.
It is through your support and others like you that D.A.R.E.
officers are able to provide the best educational materials
and receive the up to date officer training necessary to
make the program effective. With you commitment you are making
a difference in the long-term solution to the problems of
drug abuse and violence, and are helping move us toward a
world where children everywhere will enjoy safe, healthy,
productive lives.
Once again, thank you and know that your support will help
D.A.A.R.E. continue to positively influence young lives.
With sincere appreciation,
Charlie J. Parsons
Executive Director &COO