Dear Dr. Piazza,
On behalf of the Board and staff of Advocates for Youth,
thank you for your contribution. We are grateful for
your support.
Your gift is a powerful reminder that, despite recent
challenges, there are many people who share Advocates
for Youth’s strongest conviction. This conviction is
simply that, faced with the all-too-real threat of HIV
and too-early childbearing, young people have the right
to comprehensive, science-based information and services
that can protect their reproductive and sexual health.
We are determined to defend that right here in the United
States irrespective of the political climate.
There certainly have been challenges as of late. But
there is so much more to Advocates’ work than a litany
of political obstacles and liabilities. I was reminded
of this on my recent trip to Africa, where I met with
the young leaders of our HIC/reproductive health programs
in South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria. The passion with
which these young people pursue their work is best summed
up by the chant of our colleagues at YOHO, a youth-driven
NGO in Botswana: “The Spirit is Strong.”
And the strength of that youthful spirit is global.
I have seen the same spirit in Galveston, Texas, that
I’ve seen in Gaborone, Botswana. It has the power to
change the world. And indeed, it is. Thank you again
for being a part of this change. We look forward to keeping
your updated on our work, and, as always, we welcome
your comments or questions at any time.
With best wishes,
James Wagoner