Dear Dr. Piazza,
It is always a privilege to be able to express the thanks and gratitude
of the children we serve for the contributions and support people like
you made to ANGEL CARE. It is exciting to begin a new year with contribution
from our friends. We thank you for your gift.
2004 is going to be an exciting year for us. We are expanding two programs.
We have been developing and testing these programs for several years.
We believe we are ready to bring our experience to bear on two very important
and exciting programs.
The programs are -
Home Front Campaign:
There is a sub-title “Taking care of our own.” ANGEL CARE’s
goal is to give American an opportunity to reach out and help the 12
million children in the U.S. who are living below the poverty line -
often in conditions that rival anything I have seen in Third World countries.
They can help out cross the country in places like Appalachia, the rural
south, among American Indians, south Central Los Angeles, and along the
U.S. - Mexican border. They can reach out and join the effort to “take
care of our own”.
Angeles on a Mission:
This is a program that allows Americans of all ages to go to a Third
World country where they live and work among the poor for periods of
two, three and four weeks. This year we are offering opportunities
in Cambodia and Guatemala. It is a chance for Americans to see and
experience what life is like abut the poorest of the poor in the world.
These experiences change the lives of those who are providing the help
and those receiving it. Along with the new awareness and insights the
American participants receive, they have a new appreciation for the
blessings and privileges we enjoy as Americans.
At the beginning of this exciting year, I send you the heartfelt thanks
of the children who will benefit from your gift. You make it possible
for us to save lives, educate children, stabilize families, and give
hope to everyone. May you be pleased over the results of your support
and may you continue that support.
Peace and joy to us all!
For the children,
L.J. Grosser