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Dear Dr. Piazza,

You made a generous donation to Educate America. We thank you for your contribution!

Your gift is furthering the critically important job of overcoming illiteracy, as well as helping to give deserving students a chance to excel, inspiring youth to achieve their dreams, and stressing the value of lifelong education. We consider every dollar contributed to be important and every contributor to be the reason we are able to continue our vital work.

Contributions to Educate America! Are split among our 43 member charities. We hope you will be able to visit out website to learn more about how your gift is helping. The address is www.educateamerica.org. Or, call our toll-free number at 800-626-7094 for more information. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We thank you again for your generosity and support of our cause.


David Surbrook
EA President



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